Morgane Horn Coaching
Morgane Horn
My journey with intimacy and pleasure
I've always been the one to talk openly about sex and intimacy, often making others blush, and wondering why something so natural to me felt so taboo for many. From a very young age I found joy in exploring and understanding my body—I felt that PLEASURE WAS A POWERFUL FORCE, and I wanted to help others experience that same connection.
But as much as I revelled in pleasure, my sexual journey wasn’t without its challenges.

But it wasn't always easy
The turning point: Coaching
While I had made strides in my sexual journey, it was coaching that truly changed everything. At 31, I seemed to have it all—law degrees from top UK and US universities, fluency in four languages. I had lived in six countries and was building a successful career in Public Affairs while raising the most amazing son. On paper, everything looked great.
But deep down, I was struggling. I was ticking all the boxes, but I didn’t love my life. I felt unfulfilled, both personally and professionally.
I was longing for a passionate and fulfilling love story, one where we build a deep erotic and loving connection and grow together sexually. Yet my past relationships had done much emotional damage and had taught me to put my needs last, and to worry and care about the other person’s wellbeing and pleasure at the detriment of my own.
Then I found coaching, and everything changed. I learned a transformative self-love and compassion that shook me to my core. Using coaching tools, I healed the wounds that were keeping me from the life I wanted and did the inner work I needed to build my dream relationship—one where I experience exquisite sexual ecstasies with my partner, explore new heights of passion and connection, and feel safe, cherished, deeply understood, and fully expressed together.
I have dealt with the same struggles many women face when it comes to intimacy.
I felt SHAME for thinking about sex often, for self-pleasuring, and for struggling to be intimate without deep feelings for someone. I’ve been in relationships where my partner seemed satisfied while I was left wondering if SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH ME for not reaching the levels of pleasure I longed for.
I wrestled with UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS of what sex was supposed to look like, found it hard to COMMUNICATE openly with my partner about it, and often felt TORN between my faith and my sexual energy.
I also struggled with deep BODY IMAGE ISSUES that kept me from fully connecting with myself and enjoying intimacy. Add to that 12 years as a solo parent, JUGGLING EVERYTHING ON MY OWN, and intimacy just felt like another challenge I wasn’t sure how to navigate.
But over time I stepped away from shame and judgment, and realised there was nothing wrong with me. Once I embraced who I was, magic started to happen, and I was able to finally create the sex life I’d always wanted.

And now,
I want that for you
I want you to experience that same transformation and to create the kind of LOVE AND INTIMACY THAT AREN’T JUST GOOD, BUT EXTRAORDINARY.
I want you to feel TURNED ON, POWERFUL, AND DEEPLY CONNECTED to yourself and your partner. You deserve to LOVE YOUR BODY, to FEEL SEXY AND ALIVE, and to experience PLEASURE that lights you up and leaves you GLOWING WITH JOY.
You’re not broken. You have just been taught to put your pleasure on the back burner. But your body is wired for DEEP ECSTATIC PLEASURE, and your sexuality is a beautiful, natural and essential part of who you are. I’m here to help you reconnect with that part of yourself and create the sex life you were always meant to have.